As I am an enthusiast regarding fresh produce I thought it would be a great idea to give you the opportunity of discovering the best local produce within Suffolk and Essex. Produce means fruit, vegetables, meat, beverages and also fish and other specialities such as honey or mayonnaise.
When following my blog, you will always be up-to-date, because I am providing you with the latest information on local procuce and local producers. I only take the best local producers into account, who offer fresh products with a great quality.
If you are interested in the produce and the producers I am presenting you, I have included the links of the companies/farmers, so you can easily go to their website and find out more about them. Maybe you are asking yourself now, why I have chosen Essex and Suffolk, but I can give you the answer easily.
I am a German student and live in Chelmsford since a few months. When I came here, I immediately fell in love with the landscape and the produce in Essex and Suffolk. The love and devotion the farmers work with really impressed me, so I decided to do them a favour in establishing this blog. I hope you enjoy my posts and help the farmers in Essex and Suffolk to survive by buying their fresh and high-quality produce!
If you find any mistakes or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me!
If you find any mistakes or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me!