Friday, April 8, 2011

A Touch of Home

As I am a German guy, I admire meat more than anything else regarding food. It took me quite a long time to find what I had been looking for since I came to England - great sausages! I love sausages and I bought some at several supermarkets, but I couldn't find any sausage which was comparable to "my sausages" in Germany. But then I came up with delicious sausages produced by Wicks Manor Farm. I already told you that I tried its fantastic ham, but as I'm speechless regarding the sausages I have to write about a product of this farm again.
delicious sausages
Pork and Mustard Sausages
All its sausages are made from prime cuts of shoulder and Wicks Manor doesn't add any fat to produce them. In addition to that, the butchers at the farm make the sausages into natural skin, which results in sausages not leaking fat in the pan. I think the flavour of the sausages is tremendous and the range of sausages is very wide. It's not an accident that Wicks Manor has won a lot of awards for its sausages! I'm sure if you like meat, you will definitely love these sausages!

If you want to learn more about Wicks Manor, just click here and you are able to read the other post about local produce!